Availability: In stock
The Papermoles typeset consists of the following capital letters, numbers and special characters in the font Futura.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVvWXYZÄÖÜ ÆÅÁÀÂÇÉÈÊÎÔØŠÛ?!ß „“ . , : ; ( ) / ´- * + « » 0123456789
Minimal length of embossing: 1 character Maximal length of embossing: 12 / 18 / 20 characters
You can emboss your logo, signature or any other font as a Graphic onto your leather product. Send us your template vector file in black and white (ai. pdf. eps. svg.). The image should have a line width of at least 0,5 mm.
Minimal size of the Embossing: 1 cm²Maximal size of the Embossing: 50 cm²
The size of the embossed graphic depends on the size of the selected product. We will send you a draft for approval, which shows your graphic on your leather product.
Diese schönen kleinen Stapelboxen sind ein praktisches Schmuckstück auf jedem Schreibtisch. So sind alle kleinen Wichtigkeiten schön verstaut.
Die Feinleinenboxen sind stabil und perfekt stapelbar.
Die Maße einer Box : 7,4 x 7,4 x 2 cm