Availability: In stock
The Papermoles typeset consists of the following capital letters, numbers and special characters in the font Futura.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVvWXYZÄÖÜ ÆÅÁÀÂÇÉÈÊÎÔØŠÛ?!ß „“ . , : ; ( ) / ´- * + « » 0123456789
Minimal length of embossing: 1 character Maximal length of embossing: 12 / 18 / 20 characters
You can emboss your logo, signature or any other font as a Graphic onto your leather product. Send us your template vector file in black and white (ai. pdf. eps. svg.). The image should have a line width of at least 0,5 mm.
Minimal size of the Embossing: 1 cm²Maximal size of the Embossing: 50 cm²
The size of the embossed graphic depends on the size of the selected product. We will send you a draft for approval, which shows your graphic on your leather product.
The SignatureFile is made of flat 250g cardboard in black. The SignatureFile is particularly suitable for our PortRing. Packaging: 1 set, containing 20 cardboards Size: 23 x 30,5 cm; A4 portrait, four-hole perforation