Adress Book A6

Adress Book A6

    1. Choose your embossing type.

    2. Enter your text.

    The Papermoles typeset consists of the following capital letters, numbers and special characters in the font Futura.

    ÆÅÁÀÂÇÉÈÊÎÔØŠÛ?!ß „“ . , : ; ( ) / ´- * + « »

    Further information

    Minimal length of embossing: 1 character
    Maximal length of embossing: 12 / 18 / 20 characters

    The maximal length of the embossed text depends on the size of the selected product.

    3. Confirm the entered data.

    Confirm Cancel

    The Adress Book is available in black with lined pages. The Adress Book is bound in smooth ink proof, acid- and wood-free paper (70g). It can be filed in the PortPocket.

    Pages: 2 for each alphabetical letter
    Size: 7,8 x 12,8 cm